Best Way To Light a Cigar

Best Way To Light a Cigar

Lighting a cigar isn’t like lighting the end of the wick or a cigarette of a candle – it will take much longer. Put simply, patience is crucial, particularly when you’re beginning. Mistakes materialize even in case you’re a seasoned cigar veteran, for that reason merely recognize it and…

How to Season a Humidor

How to Season a Humidor

Step by step Guide ON How you can Season A HUMIDORIt will be simpler to weigh than count the amount of messages I have gotten through the years with concerns about cigar humidors, particularly on how you can season one. I have discussed the way to season a humidor…

How to Take Care of Cigars

How to Take Care of Cigars

Cigars, in a number of ways, are like kids. They needed being cared for and nurtured in order to flourish. That said, looking after your cigars is much easier, and less expensive. A cigar is a normally developed item, it is not synthesized in a laboratory or perhaps crafted…